Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 388: Oct 10,2010

Dooxle work went on till morning. Completed the work around 7:30. Decided to have breakfast and then sleep. Spend time watching HIMYM. Slept around 10 and got up around 6:00pm. refined the dooxle work with uday, and sent it across. Had dinner, then browsed for sometime. Not much work today, other than Dooxle, Red river.
Day 387: Oct 9,2010
had been working on red river untill 5. Woke up arnd 11, and went for SDM class. then had 3 hr session of R&S class. Followed by special guest lecture in SDM. Came back, dozed off for a while and went to CC arnd 10. Maddy, Soumya, Nirmal were already there.. Started t work on t red river project.
Day 386: Oct 8,2010
Had slept arnd 8:30. Uday woke me up arnd 12,for t SDM class. Was dozing mostly throughout t class. Then came back and dozed off in t afternoon. Had dinner and went to CC for working on red river. T whole team- soumya, maddy and nirmal were grouped for t long day (oops, night) ahead.

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